Photo above, prior to the 1983-84 takeover.
During the 1870s, Jabez Penn opened a shop supplying beer for the nearby construction workers. He started brewing in his cottage, called it Hope Cottage Brewery. Soon out growing this, he built a larger brew house. Later in 1895, the Tower Brewery that stands today, is the oldest in the country. Jabez Penn’s daughter Elizabeth married Tom Hoskins 1901, Tom joined the Brewery and by 1909 the name had changed to Tom Hoskins Brewery.
It didn’t gain a full license until 1984, when the company who bought the Brewery from the Hoskins family turned it into a brew pub.
Another takeover occurred in 1993, when Halkin Holdings took over. Within two years they were subjected to a management buyout, receivership was to follow shortly. In 1996, Cherry Hawk Pub chain took the reins, but within four years the pub and brewery was up for sale again, this time Archers of Swindon and their parent company bought Tom Hoskins, as they already had a brewery, the writing was on the wall for Leicester’s oldest brewery.

Original labels from the Tom Hoskins Brewery.

Above: 1920s photos of Tom Hoskins Brewery. (Stephen & Phillip Hoskins)

The Hoskins name was to continue however, when brewer Phillip together with brother Stephen, set up the Hoskins and Oldfield Brewery in Frog Island Leicester.

Guiness label at Hoskins.

Photos above of vats and coppers, 1994

Tom Hoskins, 1996

For a more comprehensive history of Hoskins Brewery see
Hi guys…. Mick from the Australian Pub Project… I’m researching a bloke by the name of Jabez Penn, who ran pubs in Perth, Western Australia. Penn arrived from London to Perth in about 1902 where he ran a couple of pubs and a wine bar before his death in 1930 at the age of 61. Before coming to Australia, it’s said he was a publican in London for 10 years. The link to your Jabez is overwhelming. Do you have any more info on your Jabez? Did he have a son by the name of Jabez who came to Australia?
Hi Mick. It seems Jabez Penn only had a daughter Elisabeth who married a Hoskins. Jabez died in 1920 in Leicester aged about 77, so it couldn’t be the same one you mentioned, but what a coincidence, both brewers. Jacob Penn Emigrated aged 23 to Australia but cannot connect them. Thank you for your interest.
Thanks for your reply. How was the Jacob Penn you mention, connected to your Jabez Penn? It seems too much of a coincidence… Not doubting your research, but I wonder, if the Jacob Penn is the connection here… Do you know what year he immigrated to Australia?
Hi Mick, mistake Jacob should have read Jabez, the problem is there are quite a few Jabez Penns in England around that time, the one I came across emigrating to Australia was in 1887 Jabez Penn listed as aged 23 but that dosen’t fit in with your story and time. I think you may need the Australia immigration lists, that we dont have access to, sorry
Thanks Barry. Jabez Penn and his wife, Alice, immigrated to Australia (Fremantle WA) in 1911. I’ve found a Jabez Penn as the landlord of the pub, the Prince Arthur, 80-82 Eversholt Street, Euston Square in 1910. I’m guessing that this was my Australian, Jabez Penn, as he is recorded as having pubs for 10 years before arriving in Fremantle, Australia in 1911. They seemed to have no children.