The Trevelyan was housed in the Floral Hall, mostly advertising around 1879:
OPEN FROM 6am-10pm
The Floral Hall was a multitude of entertainment – boxing, music hall, skating rink, bicycle polo – you name it the Floral Hall provided it. Situated next door to the Palace Theatre it befell the same fate, run down and unloved it ended its days in the 1950’s-60s as a flea pit of a cinema, showing seedy films in the afternoons to fourteen year olds pretending to be eighteen.( I should know I was one.)
Entering down a long panelled corridor which smelt of must, disinfectant and piss to a small kiosk where you were met with ” Are you 18 love…? Of course you are”.
The seats were dusty and often broken, couples littered about, most not watching the film. The odd man in a raincoat dotted about – the decline of the old type cinemas was complete.
The Northhampton Brewery Advertised from the Floral Hall in 1897:
LIGHT DINNER ALE 10d per gall
MILD 1/6d per gall
XXXX Strong Ale 1/6 per gallNOTED EXTRA DOUBLE STOUT brewed for invalids noted for its nourishing qualities 1/6d per gall
NBC EXPORT 2/6 per gall
See Norman Ellis painting of the Floral Hall and Palace.