Wygston’s House fronts Applegate St. but could easily be addressed as in High St. or Jubilee Square.
The best medieval timber framed house in Leicester dates from the 15th century. It is thought that Roger Wygston – a leading wool merchant, mayor of Leicester and MP in 1472 – lived here, hence its name. The front of the house was rebuilt c.1796.
Latterly used as a costume museum by the museum services, owned by the city council, who put the building up for tender in November 2015. A proposal to turn it into a bar by the owners of Taps and the Lamplighters was accepted. Opened in late March 2017.

Owner, Geoff Thornton, drowning his sorrows after counting what he spent on the refurb. This is a fantastic job a credit to him and a superb example for Leicester- B.L

Sunny day drinking outside Wygston House 2024-Jubilee Square (photo Michael Watson-Leices Past & Present)