Photo above: c1959 (Leices Council Planning)
Early directories give 46 Alexander st as the Anchor (poss due to its closeness to the river). Joseph Baldwin believed to be first recorded licensee 1841, later directories name him as Joseph Baulding. Wm Knight followed 1847, Next landlord was Albert Hollingsworth c1849.
John Biddle followed, c1864 and around then the beerhouse became known as the Mechanics. John Biddle was also a partner in his father’s boot manufactures, W. O. Biddle & Sons. John together with his brothers were made bankrupt in January 1865, also resulting in a criminal case involving the moving of assets that were meant to help pay off the creditors.
Alfred Sherwin c.1868 and Joe Jorden c.1875, followed.
The Mechanics was auctioned on 1st of May 1880 at the Craven Arms in Humberstone Gate, after which John Tooley briefly took on the mantle, followed in c.1881 by Jeremiah Patrick.
The Mechanics by then was owned by Thomas Nuthalls brewery of Beeby, registered as the North Leicestershire Brewery in 1894. It was acquired by Midland Brewery of Loughborough 1898, eventually after more mergers with All Saints ending under the Ind Coope and Allsop banner.

To complete the Victorian Licensees: c.1882 William Grocock; c.1883 Fred Bond; c.1884 Walter Crane; c.1886 Henry Freeman; c.1888 Henry Burgess; c.1889 Charles Scotton, and on his death two years later, Elizabeth Scotton; 1895, Thomas Burdett.
The new century saw George Burdett in 1901; Henry Smith 1911; Walter Stafford 1922, and Clara Stafford 1929. (info from JR’s list)
The Mechanics surrendered its licence on the 14th of June 1960.