Stood on Benford Street/Christow Street.
Thomas Ridgway licensee 1846. Classed as a Beerhouse. The 1830 Beer Act that gave householders the right to sell beer for a licence fee of £2,2/- (2 guineas) on or off the premises to be renewed annually. This was amended in 1834 with an on licence now £3.3/- (3 guineas) and off £1.1/- (guinea) usually any one selling beer in a smaller quantity than 4 and half gallons could now be a beer retailer (off licence) Later grocers were able to sell wine and eventually beer
Listed in 1849 directory as a beerhouse, By 1883 Robert Bindley listed as beer retailer. 1900 William Lumley Beer retailer. So it is quite possible that the 3 Tuns would change from a beerhouse to retailer at some point either due to the change in licence fee or able to sell groceries,
1920 Joseph Rouse Beer Retailer (Off) became -Shipstones off-licence.

Above photo origin unknown, copied from Ian Coppin collection with thanks.

(Leicester Chronicle) has a photo of it as a Shipstone’s off-licence
Thanks Phil, that’s brill, I will get a copy uploaded to the site.