Caramba, a cafe-bar and restaurant opened circa January 1999.
In the late 1990s Braunstone Gate became a more fashionable area, with new development around the river. The Caramba was one of the café-bars to take advantage of this, whilst retaining its upper Victorian façade, served mainly Mexican food.

In the summer of 2001, it was re-named O Bar, by the owners of the Orange Tree in High Street. Then closed sometime in October of 2015.

Within a few months, in March 2016 it changed its name again to Laundry Bar.

The Laundry Bar opened complete with old laundrette m/c’s and novel advertising connected with old washing products. On one occasion the bar seemed to attract problems when in 2018 Armed men arrived in a van pulled up outside, harassed customers and passers by, why they chose this particular pub was not known.

On the 25th of October 2019, what was once the Laundry Bar, was relaunched as the Metal Monocle – a steampunk rock bar with live music featuring rock bands and steampunk bands.

Rob Hubble (Made in Leicester) posted this 2023 photo of the new pedestrianized Braunstone Gate Metal Monocle 1st on left