As can be seen in this Victorian map, Charlotte Street stood in between Queen Street and Caroline Street (both Caroline and Charlotte being the Queen’s daughters). No 2 would be on the corner of Archdeacon Lane, no 20 – the Bay Horse – halfway down on the left of the street with a passage through to court A. No 48 – the Victory – at the bottom of the street (top of the map), cornering Gas St. The Kecks Arms can also be seen on the corner of Caroline St and Archdeacon Lane. Beeston Brewery lists the Victory as a tied house
No. 48 at the bottom of Charlotte Street corner of Gas Street, stood from the 1860s until 1923 when it closed on the 7th of June. Beeston Brewery were the owners.

JR records a Royal George on Charlotte Street, but that may refer to the one on Charles Street.