Stood next to the Church Gates, being a similar back street local to the Royal Oak at the other end of the street.
Only a few recorded licensees: James Higgingson, who in April 1869, was charged with having his house open after hours. The case wasn’t proved and thus dismissed.
In January 1880, John Davis transferred the licence to Joe Herbert. 1883, William Veasy. 1887, Thomas Pratt. 1898, Samuel Blackwell, and in 1902 – when the above photo was taken – John Upton.
On the 26th of April 1906, under the terms of the recent 1904 Licensing Act, the pub was closed. Compensation of £142 was paid to John Upton with £1028 being paid to the owner – believed to have been David Geary, a brass instrument dealer.
(April 1906 Compensation Authority report names owner as LBM Brewery-Chris Pyrah)
In the background of the above photo, is the replacement St. Georges spire, the previous spire having been struck and destroyed by lightening earlier in 1846.

The Registered Owner of the TAILORS ARMS, Colton St, is listed as the Leicester Brewing & Malting Co. Ltd., according to the Compensation Authority report of 25 April 1906.