Railyway Guard was thought to be located at no. 60 Upper Conduit Street. Earliest record was of an assault by James Shelbourne on landlord William Barrard at the Railway Guard in April 1865. Shelbourne was fined 10/-.
On the 6th of July 1866, a customer was fined for being drunk and disorderly in the pub.
Over the next few years it became a meeting place for the Beerhouse Keepers Association.
William Barrard transferred his licence to William Kendrick in April 1870.
1871 census lists the Railway Guard at no 69 Conduit St (presumably on the opposite side to earlier refs) Wm Kendrick aged 24 licensee.-Chris Pyrah

The Railway Guard was put up for sale in May 1873. Whether it was sold or not, William Kendrick did not renew its licence in August of that year.