The photo above is from the mid 1950s of the Empire. The land was bought by Isaac Harrison circa 1830s. He built The Hydropathic Institute or Health Spa.
People could ‘take the waters’ of the nearby ‘Newfound Pool’. A handsome red brick building, with classical pediment and forecourt, greeted the visiting carriages.

It became Empire Hotel circa 1890, when George Barsby became licensee. Lichfield Brewery became the owners (BHS)

Excerpts taken from Drink & Damnation by Barry Lount & Robert Spur.
Licensees that followed George Barsby included circa 1916 John Domoney, circa 1921 Wm Domoney, circa 1925 Arthur Cain, circa 1938 Harold Day, Harold was to die at the pub in May 1940. His wife Gertrude took on the licence, later during the 2nd World War Charles Haigh was licensee due to the size of the property many servicemen meetings took place – the Seaforth Highlanders, Home Guard, the US Army would use part as temporary offices and barracks… after Charles Haigh Alan Gerdes circa 1950 and Wm Gales circa 1957.

Sadly closed circa 2006, and the old building stood empty and neglected over the next few years. Various schemes to reopen came and went, the latest in 2014 (to turn it into a supermarket), was met by opposition, but to no avail as the plan went through.

This pub closed in 2018.
No it didn’t. Closed way before 2018.
Why was it knocked down? It was a listed building? Should have made it into a restaurant. Too many back handlers I bet.