According to (MB) licensed 1867, a home brew pub prior to James Eadies Brewery of Burton. Eadies acquired by Bass c1933 the pub had its licence objected too Feb 1954 as “not desirable and unnecessary to the regard to the needs of the area” the Oddfellows survived the revoke order and finally closed in June 1960.

Joseph or John Waterfield seemed to be the first landlord as records show that in a court case the beer house was known as the Grand United Oddfellows.
Ownership listed as — Chambelain Home Brew.
Francis Hill followed in the early 1870s before the Tallis family – who kept other pubs in the town – ran it until circa 1888. By then Walter Kell was victualler. George Iliffe followed circa 1895, and he kept it right through to the 1920s. Charles Kendick 1924 and Syd Morris 1931

From a pub in Leicestershire (Brewery History Society)