Stood on the North East side cornering the North West side of East Bond Street.
Built circa 1839. Although the first record I have is Nov 1856 when Peter Hallam transferred his license to Mary Harvey.
Set 1857 John Moore sold off F&F, brewing barrels gas fittings etc.
April 1858 John Lewin to Samuel Ward, 1860’s-70’s The Robinson family John & Wm were to run the pub.
Was owned by Nottingham Brewery after the brewing plant was auctioned off on the 19th of September 1879 by Wm Walker.

Dec 1884 The Duke of Cambridge was granted a licence for a smoke room. (above Nottingham Brewery logo)

Became Tennants by 1944. The pub was altered in 1948 and again in 1952.
It closed five years later in 1957.
The licence – together with the licence of the Daniel Lambert – was transferred to the new Daniel Lambert on Gamel Road.