Opened circa 1870 with a secondary frontage on Oxendon Street, South West.
Early landlords included 1871 Thomas Hibble, Thomas was soon in trouble for selling beer out of hours. This resulted in a fine of£1 or 14 days imprisonment (May 27th 1872).
1876 Fred Condon, his son Fred William Condon took the licence 1906 but died here Sept 1912
Alf Wyle, followed the same year 1912, In 1929 Wm Frank (des) was licensee.
It was owned by Sidney Wells Brewery, Kegworth who sold it to Worthington in November 1925.

A little gem of a back street boozer, kept by Harry Singh for many years. It fell the fate of many others, put up for sale in 1987, boarded up a year later. After a brief flourish it finally closed its doors in 2002.
On the same evening that I called in the Burlington, my wife and I popped into the Spinney Hill Bower just across the road. I hadn’t had my pint more than a minute when approached by a pimp asking what type of lady would I like. Liz, my wife looked aghast but apart from that it was a noisy but friendly crowd in there.
Barry Lount

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