In 1835, John Johnson was listed as victualler and Maltster, right through to 1883, where he was still listed as ‘Maltster of Great Holme Street and brewer at 5 Hinckley Road’.
The Johnsons occupied the Great Holme Street. Maltings as well as the Birmingham Tavern, latterly known as the Hinckley Road Brewery, sometimes referred to by either name. 1871 James Robert Johnson listed as owner as well as licensee of the Birmingham Tavern after his father John Johnson had died. James Robert Johnson would sell the Hinckey Rd Brewery in 1877 to John George Collis at auction for £4,100 Johnson claimed he was retiring from the business. Collis was now licensee as well as owner. (Collis would die c1912 leaving over £10k) By 1887 George Brown listed as licensee, Beeston Brewery Co of Nottingham would now became the owners.

For some time it has been the custom for tramps to take shelter for the night under the brickworks kiln on Shoulder of Mutton Hill.
In February 1849, five tramps took lodging under the kiln when, around 6.30 am, the brickwork collapsed, falling on the unfortunate wayfarers. Three were killed instantly – two men and a woman. According to the local press report. the other two were too seriously injured to be expected to survive. The bodies were taken to the Birmingham Tavern.

1894 John Wilkinson became victular, 1913 Carter Crossland, he was also a Director of Leicester Fosse and then City Football Club, After his death his widow Letitia remarried but she died in mysterious circumstances years later c1936 after being found in a gas filled room, Tudor Rd, with windows and doors stuffed up, The inquest heard she had removed her pet birds to another room and that she was found with her head in the gas oven, therefore committing suicide. She was by all accounts an avid and popular City supporter
1921 Robert Arthur Hackett, was landlord, 1939 Arthur Johnson, it was during Johnsons time that the pub was now referred to as Shipstones Arms.

Love this photo from Tram Society of tram passing Shipstones Arms

Beeston Brewery bought the rebuilt property, c 1894 but they themselves were taken over by Shipstones, circa 1922. After Arthur Johnson who was there for many years c1939-54, Edward Elton v1954-57 and William Mee c1957. The pub was closed and demolished circa 1978 for the new road scheme.