At no. 32 Humberstone Gate in 1860, next door to the Coach & Horses (a court of about fourteen cottages stood behind), lived John Read, describing his house as an ‘eating House.’ By 1870, James Wright was occupying the property, now described as ‘beer retailer and refreshment rooms.’ Henry Frisby was throughout the 1880s until 1891, when he died here. Henry Frisby also had a servant and took in boarders.
Mrs P. Markham took over in the late 1890s, until the property was demolished for the new department store, W. A. Lea and Sons, circa 1920s.
Department store, W. A. Lea & Sons, built on the site of the old refreshment rooms. The store itself was to last little more than fifty years before it was pulled down along with the Bell Hotel seen next door.