The Wig & Pen had two entrances. The original main one was on Wellington Street. It opened in November 1993 ,with a major refit after the previous pub – the old established De Montfort – lost its licence for allowing drug taking.
The Wig & Pen was the first to use New Walk as a main entrance. Its predecessors, including the De Montfort, will be dealt with in Wellington Street. The Wig & Pen changed its name to the Courthouse in December 1995.

The owners of Out of the Vaults moved over to lease larger premises circa 2009, to call itself simply The Pub. This became – as with the previous Out of the Vaults and before that the Vaults – the premier real ale bar in Leicester. Inexplicably closed circa 2014.

Bars such as Van Quatre, Out of the Vaults, White Peacock, Sloane’s Brood Barrington’s and others, who all had main entrances in New Walk, are dealt with in the King Street. section as their directory address was King Street. See street directory here.