The Coach & Horses stood next to the Old Bowling Green, Nags Head side. 1817 S Stretton was listed as selling stocking frames from the premises. (but does not say which public house) From the 1840s Martha Hubbard was beerhouse keeper listed in the 1849 directory as the Carriage & Horses.
The 1851 census lists her beer house next door to the Old Bowling Green she was aged 55.
By 1861, Sarah Stretton was running the Coach & Horses beer house she was listed as victular. The Stretton family were also running next doors Bowling Green, also victualler was a certain Sarah Stretton, she could have been the wife of landlord Samuel Stretton or their daughter who was also named Sarah.
Circa 1862 Nathaniel Graves was victualler and followed by Charles Smith, in 1869 WilliamMallard who apprehended a burglar George Wilford that his wife found lurking upstairs, when apprehended he was found with three teaspoons belonging to the Mallards, Wilford was remanded in custody.

1880 map showing Old Bowling Green, Coach & Horses next to yard entrance, maybe the reason for its name, plenty of stables and outbuildings.

James Brotherhood was landlord in 1905, the following is copy of last page of licensing record book including the closure and compensation paid.
“Licence refused and request to the Compensation Authority at the adjourned General Licensing meeting on 8th March 1911, Premises closed 30th June 1911,Compensation paid £772, Owner £612, tenant £160”

The only building remaining now 2017 is the Old Bowling Green.