Licence granted circa 1867. We know Edward Smales was landlord as he hosted the Beerhouses Association at the Dew Drop in December 1868, a year later he transferred his licence to Thomas Alfred Richardson.

Photos above: Looking to corner Cobden Street and the Dew Drop, and in opposite direction of the building was the beerhouse, signage cannot been seen from this angle.

Needham Whitwell followed Thomas Richardson 1870. Then Joseph Wright 1874, Francis Miles a year later.

Francis Miles was found £1 or 14 days and his licence endosed for serving beer after hours July 1879.

Sydney Wells Brewers of Kegworth owned the freehold to the Dew Drop, one of only a few in Leicester others were the Spinney Hill Bower, Defiance in Craven Street, Leicester Lifeboat and Gardeners Arms.

After Francis Miles was fined and his licence endorsed Sarah Juba became licensee that year 1879 the family of Juba’s were well known licensees in Leicester and Leicestershire.

1883 Edwin Fox became licensee followed by Elizabeth Ann Fox 1904, George Webster 1907

Worthington’s Brewery purchased Sidney Wells and with it the Dew Drop in November 1925. Worthington then spent £300 on alterations on the pub.(MB)

The Board School in Syston Street corner Cobden Street, Dew Drop on opposite corner.

Thomas Alfred Coombes was landlord in 1929 and Ernest Dalby 1933.

The Dew Drop closed in December 1936.

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  1. GEORGE WEBSTER (1907) remained landlord until his death, in the pub, on 6/10/1929,

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