In November 1831, one of the new beer houses to open after the 1830 Beer Act was the Queen Adelaide in Harvey Lane. Queen Adelaide was the wife of William IV, Queen of England in 1830.
Not long after opening, a boy named Flude – who didn’t look older than fourteen – was seen entering the Queen Adelaide to challenge any one to a game of dominoes. After calling for a pint of ale and a pipe of tobacco, the boy won three or four games, before moving to play ‘all fours’ at cards. He had won several pints of ale by 10.30pm (10 o’clock was closing time). In court, the boy – now a witness against the landlord – gave evidence in such an easy manner that it astonished all present. He admitted frequenting pubs very often. The landlord (named Ross), whose conduct was reported as very disgraceful, was admonished and fined 40/- for serving after time.

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