Photo above: Granville Hotel circa 1906.

Certainly listed in the license justice’s records from circa 1890.
Auctions were held here throughout the 1890s.
Licence Victualers Association would hold meetings here 1894, where they discussed the ‘long pull’ landlords who were giving extra measure particularly when a half was asked for after giving a pint glass to the bar staff.
1898 an ad in the Leicester Post read:
Under new Management
Every Comfort & Accommodation for commercial gentlemen and visitors in general.
Spacious coffee room.
Good commercial and private sitting rooms
Ordinary Daily tariff moderate
Burton Ales Wines & Spirits of the best quality.
Thomas Richard Johnson Followed Thomas Tolton as licensee in the early 1900s.
February 1910, the Granville was referred to the compensation board.
An offer was made with regard to compensation by the owners of the Granville which was accepted by the justices. £300 was paid to the owners and the Granville closed its doors February 1910. Everards Brewery were listed as the owners