Built in the late 1960s, with plush restaurant and bar overlooking the city, the Hotel Complex soon included a bar fronting Abbey St. named the Holyrood. This was Scottish and Newcastle’s first major venture in Leicester, a sister pub to the Swinging Sporran in Oadby.  The Holyrood soon became a popular venue for younger people. Within a few years, after the complex changed hands, the Holyrood was replaced with a new name Riches, this was relatively short lived.

Opening at a later date in the complex was the Brewers Arms with its own entrance in Upper Parliament St.

Foundations being prepared for the Hotel complex, notice the rear of the Royal Oak exposed.
Called the Abbey Motor Hotel c1967 photo shows to good effect the upper restaurant and bar overlooking the town.
The newly built complex c1970. The Holyrood was the ground floor centre brick. (Leicester Mercury)

Building with narrow windows. How did we fall for drinking keg Tartan bitter in an almost windowless, soulless mock architecture.  The pub was typical of the period and it packed ‘em in. Very few of these survived for any length of time.

The “Tartan Tower”


Photo taken, January 2007. Some time after the millennium it became Days Inn.
Its later days ground floor was a double cinema with Penthouse club, then a Bollywood cinema and various other uses,

by 2020 The building looks in a sorry state unloved covered in graffiti a far cry from its glamorous beginnings

‘Tartan Tower’ Unkempt, looking in a poor state


    1. Hi Kevin, I was also a comi chef back then, l lived in the hotel accommodation on the ground level in the car park. The rooms filled with car fumes on a Sat morning I remember. Oh happy days!

      1. I was a trainee chef there too from 86-88, I too lived in the ground floor car park accommodation, room number 1

        1. Hi James, I was there in the Mid 70s bit before you.
          Did you also experience the blue exhaust haze on a Sat morning? They wouldn’t get away with that these days

      2. can you remember Albi who washed the pots in the carvery kitchen.?

  1. can anybody remember Elza who was a waitress and my girlfriend.

  2. Was that the site of the CineCentre cinema in the 1980s, or am I mistaking things after all these years?

  3. Hi Alistair, I believe your correct and into the 90s, as i went there a few times, thanks for your comments and interest

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