Photo above, numbers 4-12 from the Facebook Memories of Leicester. The ladies with pram are outside the George corner of Carley and Wharf Street, so that should make the Bumper extreme right, with entry and board just showing.

The Bumper Inn was opened circa 1845, originally with its own brewhouse.  Owned by Marstons at the turn of the 20th century, it was sold to the Leicester maltster, John Taylor. 

Licensees included: 1855, Samuel Pegg. 1861, Joseph Gunton.  1864, George Ludlam. 

1871, John Wilson, followed by his widow Mary.  

The pub was sold in October 1874 for £715.  In March 1875, Mr. Dayman paid £728 for the pub and the following held the licence: William Dayman himself, William Addison, a Mr Oliver, George Illiffe and Thomas Cook. Thomas was listed as brewer 1895-98 and again 1910-14 he was also brewing for the Fox & Grapes.

1897, William Lee. 1900, Samuel Larrad and the same year William Hurd. 1901, William Heath. 1904, Edwin Heaps. 1906, Andrew Clarke. 1909, Tom Wilson, who was warned before the court for allowing drunkenness on his property in November 1911.

Closed April 1914.  License surrendered for new off-licence on Harrison Road not before Tom Wilson had been warned before the court for allowing drunkenness on his property in November 1911.

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