Known as the Plough as early as 1822, and the New Plough from circa 1870. William Moore was landlord at some point in the early 19th century. Thomas Kelter licensee 1822
1867 John or Joseph Simpson landlord, 1874 Robert Goulding, 1883 Thomas Wells.
In 1897, landlord William Wells was charged with threatening his wife Eliza Ann, for which he was bound over to keep the peace. This led ultimately for him to lose his licence as this was objected to at the next Brewster sessions. Wells was forced to give three months notice. This followed a disturbing and cruel case of cruelty to Wells’ pony the previous year.

Difficult to read, in more ways than one of the court case of cruelty to the landlord’s pony at the New Plough ,1896.
1900 George Wilson landlord, Wm Moore c1902
We know Wm Moore was still landlord at the beginning of the First War as his obituary is listed on 27th April 1915 aged 44 he died it states at the New Plough after much suffering.
It was still open in 1920s John Sharpe listed as brewer but the pub listed as a beer retailer Elsie Sharpe was the licensee. 1938 Percy Smith is landlord. Closed that year due to forthcoming road widening, Compensation paid. The New Plough and Malt Shovel were affectionately known as ‘Darby & Joan’ due to their proximity to each other.

How can I find out more about William Moore
Sally, all i can suggest is try one of the ancestry sites, the info on there covers Williams Moore’s dates