The Royal Oak stood at no. 6 George Street, off Belgrave Gate.
Circa 1860, John Jones was listed at an unnamed beerhouse at no. 6 George Street, and also listed as a brewer. he was also listed as a brewer in further directories up to the 1880’s
John Curtis listed as landlord 1863, Robert Dicks in 1870, John Benson 1875, Henry Whitworth 1880, Arthur Bindley 1886.
On the 31st of October 1875, licensee John Benson was fined two guineas for being open in unlawful hours.
The licence was not renewed by the owner, Pettifors Brewey of Anstey, in 1895. The licence was transferred to a new alehouse to be built in Melton Road (thought to be the Melton Hotel). Although Daniel Pettifor & Sons were to see little of the new pub, as they were taken over by Marstons in 1900.

There is also an unsubstantiated report of a Rose and Crown in George Street.