Photo above: LRO. This shows the junction extreme left in 1973, prior to demolition.
Recorded in Post Office 1870 directory. Coventry Arms stood on the corner of Great Holme Street and 1 West Holme Street.
The only victualler seems to have been Joseph Headley, who was also registered as a baker. By 1880 Joseph Headley is listed just as a Baker, still listed as such in 1890.

Taken from other side (photo above). The Coventry Arms should be one of either of the two shops, as this is the only junction of the two streets. In this this area there are six or seven off licences that could have had a licence during the 1870s, including nearby Coventry Street.
In December 1867, after T. T. Paget had been returned as MP for the area at the General Election, one of his backersArchibald Turner (who owned nearby elastic web manufactures at Bow Bridge Works) – provided a feast for the locals. A sheep was roasted at the top of Great Holme St, whilst potatoes and bread provided and served at Joseph Headly’s Coventry Arms. Around eighty people sat down to the feast to toast T. T. Paget.

Incidentally, Polly Gadsby holds the world record for the longest serving employee. She worked at Archibald Turners for eighty six years. as a boy my father told me stories of her as he worked there himself for many years.
Barry Lount
In August 1870, Joseph Headley (listed as beer house keeper and baker), was charged with permitting drunkenness in the Coventry Arms. The police were called to a fight, where they found several men drunk, including the landlord and two sixteen year olds boys. Headley refused to name the men fighting. As this was Headly’s fourth conviction for similar offences the Mayor severely reprimanded him levying a fine of £5 or one month in prison.
I believe that Joseph Headley may have been my grandfather. My mother was gwendoline Joyce Headley born 1920