Built in 1875. Listed as beer retailer (offie) by 1883 if indeed it ever had a full licence. Compulsory purchased in 1968 and demolished. (CJ)

Little information on this building as of writing.

Further research by CHRIS PYRAH reveals in 1877 John Thomas Barnard, grocer of 4 Gresham St applied for a licence to sell beer off the premises, directory of 1878 records Barnard as having a shop and beerhouse called Gresham House at no 6 Gresham St although later that year the licence transfer was for a beer off opnly, from Barnard to George Wilson, by 1881 the licence was with Alfred Grant only for a beer off. Im guessing that the “bhs” in 1878 directory was an error (happened quite a lot) so the premises were in fact just a beer retailers as is otherwise referred to in further directories and newspapers. 1905 listed as shop and beer retailer, by 1908-9 just a grocers.

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