Elizabeth Watson’s husband obviously stayed on at the Shoulder of Mutton as his death was reported on the 5th of April 1838, as being sudden. It would seem that the name change had taken place as George Bunting, the landlord in 1838, was in charge of the now named Haunch of Venison. He was advertising ‘Good Stabling For 9 Horses at a Trifling Expense.’
George Bunting would be greatly affected by the infant mortality of the time losing George 14 months, Josiah 2 years, Elizabeth infant, all in his first 18 months at the Haunch again a year later his only son also named George aged 3 also died.
1840 Bunting was charged with assault by Sam Westby after Westby refused to pay for his ale, Westby was ordered to pay for his ale, but Bunting was find 10/- for assault.
1841 George Bunting offered the lease for sale and assigned all his estate to Thomas Dexter, maltster and Robert Bingley maltster, in 1842 the licence was transferred to Dexter owner who was to put up the Haunch for auction together with all F&F and brewing vessels.
1843 Bunting still at the Haunch was charged for keeping his house open after hours, but pleaded circumstances in extenuation, due to the mitigation his fine was reduced to £1. (Could be that Dexter was the licensee) it is possible that John Tabberer held the licence for a short time before c1845 The Haunch was soon to become vacant. The Haunch of Venison is not recorded as a public house in any directories 1845-1880. when it became a Wine & Sprit shop is unclear, but In 1860s it was run William Waldren & Son Wine & Spirit Merchants, by the c1870s Frederick Motts Wine and spirits had become the owners with James Mott licensee followed by Frederick Thompson Mott by 1881.

MANSLAUGHTER AT LEICESTER ran the Leices Merc headline June 1837. The inquest on 12 year old William Townley was held at the Haunch or Venison, High St the body of young William had been found in Hames Yard which was a yard near the rear of the Haunch of Venison (now Shires Lane) William had been playing with some friends in Free School Lane near Thomas Bonnetts yard when Bonnett and John Ottey called the boys in for a game of skittles, Bonnett bought a jug of gin & water for the boys to drink, Bonnett followed this with jugs of Rum & water, enticed by Ottey ten jugs in all were drunk, by which time Wm Townley with another boy Charles Chamberlain aged 9 were rolling and tumbling about, Wm Townley kept falling down. Bonnett and Ottey stood laughing at the boys trying to get up. The boy Chamberlain said Ottey forced him to drink the gin by holding it to his mouth.

William Townley later died, following his demise Bonnett 19 and Ottey 24 were charged with causing Williams death, the jury found them guilty of manslaughter and committed to the Assizes at Leicester Castle. The judge then surprising acquitted the two men as a charge of manslaughter could not be sustained. Bonnett and Ottey walked free with a warning that they refrain from drunkenness and to discountenance it in others
1882 saw Charles Newton as licensee, Motts still owning the property. 1885 William Markham. 1888 Harriet Taylor. 1891 Henry Earps. 1892 Edwin Landle. (most if not all were licensee whilst Motts still owned the business) 1894 George Henry Allen (who moved to the Bulls Head-Market Place where was found insolvent) 1898 John Braden the property now owned by Worthingtons Brewery (It had previously sold Worthington Beers under the Motts ownership)

Thomas Bradshaw licensee 1901. Seth Middleton Baines 1906. Edward Whittles, he was fined for permitting drunkenness in 1912, (Whittles was later to die in action 1918 whilst landlord of the Plough Humberstone Gate) 1910. Lionel Sanderson 1913. Clara Eliz Sanderson 1918. Alfred Edward Burdett 1919. Alfred Burdett 1922. George Miles 1923. Alex Lockwood 1925. Marion Radford 1926. Archie Robins 1931. Godfrey Collumbell 1932.? Joseph Jacobs 1932.
The Haunch of Venison was perhaps best known when Joe Jacobs ran the pub for over twenty years, from circa 1932. Joe promoted boxing around Leicester at the Granby Halls, Cossington St and even the Tigers ground. His training ring at the pub bought many boxing celebrities of the day to his premises. During and post World War Two, Joe would arrange bouts between locals and American servicemen stationed here, to take the heat out of any rivalry and mistrust that existed between them.

c1961 it seems Mrs Bena Jacobs would run the Haunch until c1966. George Dickens 1967. Percy Brown 1968. Andrew Yearby c1975. Cecil Schoales c1982. Leon Waterman c1988. Micheal Butler c1992.

In 1997, the Haunch of Venison which had been closed and for sale was bought, internally extensively altered and re-named the Orange Tree. Friendly, with a good music and beer selection, it was a perfect pub for the early 2000s.

Charles Wells purchased the Orange Tree in 2019, with intention to turn it into a pizza pots and pints pub to be known as the Tree, thus ending 20 years of a very popular outlet.
The refurbishment complete, The Tree opened circa August 2019. One wonders if it can recapture the ambience of the previous 20 years of the Orange Tree, which was always buzzing with a cross section of people.