Built circa 1964, possibly to replace the Old Plough.

Ad from c1974 below

Now Humber Stone Bar & Restaurant.(closed)

Humberstone and is named for the large glacial boulder still to be seen not too far from the outskirts of the village. I remember being taken into the the bar of pub along with my classmates circa 1963, to see an enlarged Victorian photo of a workman and the stone which he had partially dug out, displayed on one of the walls; the sign above is a fanciful version of this. The Humber Stone was indeed a replacement for the Old Plough which stood where the carpark of the present pub now is.
Chris Pyrah

Kev Curtis writes ‘The Humbo’ used to hold ‘Northern Soul’ nights 1970’s where Northfield, Netherhall and Thurnby Lodge kids would meet to ‘Strut their Stuff’

Paul Haseldine posted this up to date 2024 picture on Leices Born & Bred, after a period of the former pub empty now a religious centre!
My local. I remember the landlords there between 1984 and about 2005. First one I was met was called John, don’t know his surname, but he was old school. Then Byron Rimmington (“Rim” – always seemed to be on holiday in Spain). Then Stu and Mandy, then finally Kam and Bally). Legendary lock ins under Stu. Barmaids were Sam, Kate & Lesley; there were lots more but I forget. Pétanque court and tiny beer garden to rear. Tied to Ansells.