Le Chateau

Barry Lount notes: ‘142 London Rd, now (2015, as of writing), a fish and chip shop was once a wine bar. For me this has been a conundrum. Back in the 1970s -80s we called in this wine bar on a few occasions. unfortunately I can’t remember the year or the name as it usually was combined with a visit to many more hostelries. I remember the tiled facade more than the wine, being a real ale drinker, (drinking wine was an anathema, I’ve since changed my mind!). Looking back it was perhaps ahead of its time for Leicester.

‘Le Chateau.’ c1984

(See comments below for more info and confirming Le Chateau name)
I only remember it as Nicol’s, a butcher or possibly a fishmonger. The wine bar does just about ring a bell with me but it is well muffled.
If its muffled with you Phil perhaps you went in it, I was certainly ‘muffled’ when I came out, hopefully someone will be able to shed a further light on it.
Hi all. Yes it was Le Chateau and a wine bar of sorts, more of a late night drinking venue after the pubs shut. There was a dance floor upstairs where you could make a berk of yourself.
I was a student in the 70’s, used to live on Prebend Street near the station and “Le Chat” was a stop off place en route to a curry house, mostly the famous Koh- I- Noor.
Mark, thanks for the comment, proves I wasn’t dreaming re Le Chateau, it seemed late when we visited like yourself, then on to the Koh-I-Noor (Kohi) to be served by Billy (Abdul) that place ought to have a blue plaque outside it looked after most drinkers after the pubs shut, wonderful memories, thanks again.
Great to hear back from you Barry.
I’d be interested in anyone who has memories of the Bricklayers Arms, “the Brickies “ near Welford/Regents Rd. This fine establishment absorbed a fair amount of my grant. Friday nights on the Shipstones Gold Star Ale plus darts and the Ramones on the juke box. A pie/seafood seller used to drop by on occasion. They were good times.
Mark, I always called in the ‘Brickies’ when in the area great pint of Shippos kept by a lovely couple they used an old Victorian silver and brass till. always busy at lunchtimes, I’m afraid those pubs and times are gone, The Brickies will be under Welford Rd when we get to W, please comment on your memories when we upload. thanks for your interest.
i have fond memories . as the night ended with everyone expecting a slow dance with the partner in your arms, on would come “REBEL YELL” and the night was made ! way to go. long live the memory .
I have lots of fond memories of Le Chateau on Mondays was a great DJ called Dave who looked like Brian Ferry then another guy the rest of the week I used to be there 3 times a week we had a great time it was like a wee family great atmosphere Ahh the memories lol x
Thanks Melanie for your memories, it certainly adds ‘atmosphere’ to the Le Chateau page
I still have my membership card for Le Chateau. Used to go there as a student around 1980. One of my favourite places.
Hi if you would be prepared to send us a copy, we could add to the file with credit given to you, it would be much appreciated, ,
Me and a couple of friends used to go every Friday and Saturday nights in the mid eighties, I loved it there. Eric on the door and Gary and then Rivers on the decks. I believe it closed when the manager\owner got stabbed. I went up there on a Tuesday night and it was closed.
Thanks for that Dave, adds more info to the file, just the sort of feedback we are looking for
Memories of Le Chateau, London Road. I was a member and spent many Friday and Saturday nights there 1979 – 1982. Usually after being at The King’s Head on Granby Street. I’m fairly sure the barman/DJ was called Stuart, Alan checked members in at the door and the owner was called John. He opened another venue called Rapunzel’s on Newarke Street. I went there a few times but I don’t think it was very successful.
Thanks Pat, good informative post.
Moved to Leicester late 70’s, worked briefly in The Hind, then worked for British Rail, London Road, then went nursing.
The bar was run by John Power with Steve Brown and Ramsey on the doors
Thanks for that, I bet there was no nonsense stood then.
White horse Friday night le chateau bottle tiger milk
Failed to mention many late evenings in Le Chateau.
Around 85 if you visited Le Chateau on a Monday you’d enjoy a subversive evening of Goth & 60’s garage courtesy of some disgusting looking retrobates who I understand went on to put the Leicester post-Showaddywaddy music scene back on the map via the homegrown “Grebo” scene. Quite how the establishment made any money from this crowd remained a mystery.
Thanks Pavel for the comment it certainly paints a picture and all adds to the Le Chateau’s history