1834 Wm Watts (licensee?) charged John Baum with assualt in the Bird in Hand Metcalf St, claiming Baum had a knife threatened to ‘Have a skinful of him’ then struck Watts, who felt the knife, so fought back, the two ended up fighting in the street, when a constable came along. The constable at court said the pair were both disorderly characters, The magistrates observed that the complainant had evidently consented to fight so therefore dismissed the case.

On the 8th of September 1843, Mr Stamford of Bird in Hand, Metcalf Street was fined 20/- (this being his first offence), for serving during unlawful hours.
Edward Stafford, licensee 1846 (presumably the Mr Stamford wrongly spelt), was recorded in the 1849 trade directory of Leicester. The Bird in Hand was recorded in Metcalf Street, next to a school room.