1838 – A strange case involving the Jarretts, the name or sign of the beershop (if it had a sign it wasn’t reported). Jonathan Jarrett’s relationship with his wife was a violent one, and by the neighbours account Mrs Jarrett was the abuser.

Many quarrels had been witnessed and Jonathan had become increasingly unwell. The doctor was called and he found Jonathan in agony in his bowels, and his lower body black.  He soon died, and the cry went up ‘poor Jontys been poisoned.’ Such was the sustained outcry against Mrs Jarrett that the authorities ordered the body to be disinterred.

The jury proceeded to view the body which was very black and going to decay.  Despite evidence of Mrs Jarrett’s evidence of violence against her husband, the Jury delivered a verdict of death by natural causes. This was not greeted with any satisfaction by the crowd waiting outside.

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