Following his success as a partner in the Vaults (Wellington Street), which backed on to Goodfellas restaurant, Bill Allingham opened a new concept in the old Goodfellas in the late 1990s. He called it Mashed as the main food offering was sausage & mash. It doubled up as a comfortable modern bar, serving continental beers. As with many new bars it didn’t last, and in 2002 it was renamed Nomads.

By 2007, Nomads had changed again but for the life of me I can’t find my records. Although I took the photo, I’ve misplaced the name. The name is unreadable on the sign.
Barry Lount

By 2013, it was called Sophbeck. It was a dance club, Hip Hop, Garage, Dirty House music amongst some of the styles played, Not strictly a bar anymore, but worth showing the art work.

After seemingly attracting controversy to the area Sub8ten closed. In December 2019, to reopen as Sophy cocktail bar – a play on Sophbeck.